Monday, October 26, 2009

"You're killing me smalls."

First, yes, I was joking with the "Jedidiah" reference.

But more to the point here is that I have been SCREAMING about just how dangerous the "global climate disaster" (as you referred to them) crowd is for almost as many years as we've known each other. In specific my argument was that this movement must be challenged on the interpretation of the facts at EVERY turn less they emerge one day with the ability to dramatically affect our economy in destructive ways. And although I posted various fact filled arguments refuting these man-made climate change zealots I was STILL treated, while sitting around Titus's prenuptial fire in NEPA, to his skepticism as I was making the very argument he just did. I warned then that the Algorian movement was "dangerous", in specific it was dangerous to allow their interpretation of paleoclimatology to stand as legitimate. To which Titus repeatedly answered, "nonsense", "hyperbole", "faulderale", etc. His basic contention then (as I took it) was that they may be misguided, but were nonetheless harmless - so what if they want you to use different light bulbs, etc. And now this movement is EVERYWHERE, infested in EVERYTHING, and people watch "An Inconvenient Truth" as if it's gospel. I might add, I'm not blaming Titus personally for this spread of a "green ideology" (hehe), I'm simply pointing out that I have been going hoarse over various posts and fire lit backyards not with just facts that challenge the very foundation of the religion of climate change, but warnings of what destructive policies they would surely yield if ever they gained the powers to wield them ... as is the situation now.

Yet here comes Titus now warning us all that we dismiss them & refuse to take them serious at our own peril!

That's rich ...

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