Friday, October 2, 2009

"O" damn!

Ummm ... I wrote this last night (early this morning):

Well, Obama is up soon. He will be the "Olympic solicitor general." I can't imagine EVEN HE, a "citizen of the world", a "leader of the world" (versus being a world leader by being the American president) hasn't already secured the outcome. Not a conspiracy theory, just public management - no way he goes to make a personal pitch without knowing the outcome.

If I'm wrong it marks not just an embarrassing loss, but the affirmation that this is a very, very dangerous man presiding over even more dangerous times.

So the news just broke - Brazil will get the 2016 Olympics (Rio De Janeiro to be specific). Here's the thing, of the 4 cities in contention - Chicago, Madrid, Tokyo & Rio - Chi-town was eliminated first, along with Tokyo. Now, I'd have to double check this but I do believe that we were the ONLY contender whose head of state made a personal pitch. This is a European bitch slap, being eliminated in the first round. It occurs to me that Obama didn't realize that elitist European disdain for America outweighs their affection for him - put more simply, they hate us more then they like him.

But as I said above, even showing up at the Olympics was a belittling of the office (I mean imagine Truman putting off the "bomb" decision in order to go judge a fly fishing tournament), but to be eliminated, and eliminated FIRST ... well ... like I implied above: combining this man's ideology with his naivety and arrogance makes him a very, very dangerous man to America's future and continued prestige.

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