Thursday, September 6, 2007



On my global warming post of you commented ...

...but I do hope now that certain aspects of the "green" movement come back to center and address issues that actually matter in both the long term and the short.For example: zero emission combustion engines, practical fission technology, desalination technology, "high performance" ethanol fuels, functional fuel cell technology, hydrogen-engine production and distribution capacity on a national level... In other words, technologies that reduce our dependence on foreign resources and save me money at the same time.

So basically you think that man made global warming is a crock, BUT, if their refocused political pressure can get us off foreign oil and save you money, then you're OK with using them for that net gain.

Let me just say ... I'm down with that.


And Titus, this is a public forum. So I'll ask you kindly not to repeat such unAmerican and unholy words as these ...

Oh, and I'm REALLY getting tired of Reagan's mug plastered all over the site. He has 6 more days, and he's gone.

Look, the other day I had a hot cup of coffee sitting on my desk. My oldest son went to give me a hug, hit the cup, and scolding water was on the move. In an effort to save my Reagan photo biography "His Life In Pictures" I accidentally knocked my youngest son down, thereby inadvertently saving his bare foot from the burning menace that was my "joe." Two more events like this and I'm submitting Ronnie's name to the Vatican for Saint Hood. Even in spirit he was looking out for the tender pale skin of my little boy ... *sniff.*

So, I won't have you going around bad mouthing not only the man receiving the highest marks on YOUR report card, but the once and future Saint Reagan.

You laugh now, but in ten years time you'll be saying ten Hail Mary's and 5 Ronald Reagan's in order to relieve yourself of the burden of your impure thoughts ... undoubtedly that months subscription to "Trevor and Niles Go Caribbean."



Daydream believer said...

Oh my, I accidentally clicked on the Reagan photos and to my dismay...they speak.

How disheartening.

Daydream believer said...

Hey Ryan, just thought I'd jump in to tease you a bit :)


Titus said...
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Titus said...

I’ll try once more…

You are making assumptions again, my friend. While I have always admitted to holding some reservations about the science behind the majority of the hype that global warming enthusiasts kept (or keep, I guess) throwing around, I have NEVER debated or doubted the simple fact that mankind has MORE than enough technology under his belt to alter the climate of the globe… very nearly at will and almost instantly.

It was stated by several scientists in the late 70’s that even 1% of the nuclear weapons currently stockpiled across the globe would be more than enough to render the planet nearly unrecognizable for centuries to come… and all that with little more than a push of the proverbial “button”.

It has also been shown that CFCs have eliminated nearly 35% of the ozone in the atmosphere since 1968. Aside from the undeniable science available to show this phenomena, and the lack of a natural source of CFCs to counter mankind’s production of it as a source of the problem, we have the very clear but completely independent evidence that since 1965, skin cancer cases have risen every year (that 42 years, Ryan)… despite medical and medicinal technology that has leapt ahead in the same time period. Not since thalidomide was pulled from the shelves have we seen a clearer case of “cause and effect” science, in my book.

That’s two examples… if I weren’t so frigging sick of typing, I’d try for more.