Thursday, September 27, 2007

Father John

Well I had O'Reilly on tonight and low and behold he has as a guest Father John Morris, whom I recognized from checking out the lone site Titus has offered up. This was the first time I have heard him speak on television and my jaw about dropped when I realized the reason he was on. Apparently, in addition to being a FOX News contributor on spiritual matters, he personally knows the guy who wrote the TIME Magazine article asserting that Pope John Paul II was euthanized. The basis for this claim, and thus the article, were the observations of one woman, a physician whom never attended the Pope, and made her assessment that he had engaged in defacto euthanasia via denying himself medical treatment AFTER SEEING HIM ON TV!! Are you kidding me? This is on the heels of NEWSWEEK hiring the vocal atheist and author, Christopher Hitchens, to write an article besmirching Mother Theresa as a "miserable woman" after the recent release of private letters which showed - hold on to your hat - that she sometimes questioned her faith! What a shocker, a human being whom along her long and storied journey of faith had a question or two once or twice in her life. If anything that should give the rest of us solace that yes, even she sometimes had questions and was in need of answers. Is the main stream media in this country so desperate to discredit Christianity that it would go after its two premier figures of the last quarter century based on such laughable evidence and accusations? Apparently so.

Well, the gist was that Father Morris called this guy and asked why he would go with a story based on such weak evidence and (I'm paraphrasing) the TIME "reporter" said that sometimes reporters are supposed to initiate debate on a subject in order to further the conversation, to which the good father said, NO you're a reporter, you're supposed to report the facts. I noticed, though I haven't read it yet, that the Father has the article he wrote for FOX, condemning the TIME piece, on his website. He also noted that TIME misrepresented Catholic doxy by reporting in it's first paragraph (thus setting up the story) that it is incumbent upon Catholics to pursue "any and all medical treatments in the extension of their lives", which is patently false, there is no such requirement, as Morris pointed out, to undergo extreme measures in the pursuit of an extended life.

In other news, I'll be watching a lot more White House press conferences. Have you seen who's replacing Tony Snow? Well, you should. Her name is Dana Perino (probably Catholic herself in that her name ends in a vowel - it's a joke you Italians, relax) and she's quite easy on the eyes. Short blond hair, GREAT smile, and has a mind plus vocabulary that's sharp as a tack. Hmmm, surely there's a "Bund video of the week" with her name on it in the near future.

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