Tuesday, September 4, 2007

It's raining in Biloxi...

Which beats the shit out of a hurricane any day. But seriously...

Who had the article that talked about the top ten hottest years as 1934, 1776, 1789, 1815 or something like that... It was on the mailing list but I can't find it.

As long as we're revisiting Bush's choice of cabinet members, should we be focusing on the loyalty of said staff or whether or not they should have been doing the jobs in the first place? Back in the summer of '01 we agreed that Powell should have been VP, Cheney Sec.State, and Rumsfeld in the unemployment line (nice how even then we all agreed that a smaller, smarter, more efficient military was NOT a good thing). Tommy Thompson was a victim of 9/11, I won't harsh him, but I will harsh Tom Ridge. I look around and wonder about Homeland Security, then and now and see essentially...Nothing. hey, charter Secretary, your chance to plot a course, set policy, leave your name on the Department for generations, and what do we have? The answer to a trivia question no one will be able to answer ten years from now.

So, loyalty or employment qualifications? And don't get me started on Mike Brown, although he wasn't a secretary.


F. Ryan said...

I miss the rain ... and the color green. The only homes that come with grass out here start at a million two.

Titus said...

Dude... you miss the rain???

He rips on the Bush administration as a bunch of mindless automatons simply following orders OR incompetant troglodytes who should NEVER have been in place at all... and you "miss the rain"?

Nice, Ryan... way to wax poetic, buddy.


F. Ryan said...

Dude - I already stated how I felt about the administration's cabinet in my post responding to you. Not to mention, I'm not in total disagreeance with the notion that these guys - all talented - should have been swaped around a bit, i.e. Powell and Cheney. Cheney would have stared down and verbally combated foreign dignataries in a way Powell wasn't prepared to do. He (Cheney) is way too talented to be in a position that has no official capacity regarding foreing policy - unless there's a Senate tie on a war proclomation.

NOT TO MENTION - I rip the entire Global Warming whack job movement a new one and all you had to say was - "next time don't cut and paste an entire letter." Boy, that's Walden on display if I ever saw it! And yes, I ended that sentence in a preposition - sue me.

Titus said...

Keep your panties on... just kidding.
