Saturday, September 8, 2007

This should make FR's day...

This was tacked on to some thread that rolled off... Too good to leave it buried.


This piece was written by an old friend of my wife and as you can tell he is a pretty hard core republican. I thought it was a pretty good piece to discuss and am looking forward to your opinions.


A Declaration of Independence
From the Democratic Party

When in the course of American events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political allegiance that has connected them to one political party and to search for new and better governance, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that we should declare the causes which impel us to the separation

We hold these truths to be self evident, That the United States of America is the greatest experiment in democracy that the earth has ever experienced, That a nation is only great when it promotes and defends the ideals of God, Family and Country. That this country and all others can only exist if it believes in the right of the majority with respect to the minority, That we as Americans are a great people and a great nation and that we are great because we promote and defend Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

The Democratic Party has become destructive of these ends and we the people have a right through peaceful means to alter or abolish it. We have the right to support any other party which will lay in its foundation the principals of Government that is most likely to insure a more perfect Union, establish Justice and Promote the General Welfare.

Since the cessation of hostilities of the Vietnam War the Democratic Party has become the domestic enemy of the United States of America. More potent than any foreign enemy they have these last forty years borne down upon the brow of the people a long train of abuse and usurpation with the object being to reduce us to absolute despotism. It is our right, it is our duty, it is our obligation as Americans to throw off such unbearable government and establish a new direction for ourselves and our posterity. With the Democratic Party standing accused of treason, let facts be submitted to a candid world.

You have expelled God from our schools, businesses and public places by intentionally appointing judges who knowingly abuse the constitution of the United States of America. By allowing the judicial branch of the government to usurp the power of the legislature and then promoting or ignoring the injustice, this so that the will of the people will be thwarted in the congress and state legislatures.

You have enslaved the minority populations to federal government welfare programs with the intention of breaking their will to live as free and independent citizens. You have grinded them into government anti-poverty projects and endless “self-help” programs all to no avail and all for the purpose of creating a bureaucracy to be fed by endless tax dollars which invariably benefits its creators only.

You have supported, ignored or encouraged traitors to the American causes in times of peace and war, allowing them to destroy the morale of the American military and its civilian base of support.

You have actively supported the murder of unborn American citizens by means of abortion and partial birth abortion. You have raised these procedures most foul and filthy to the level of sacraments.

You have taxed the people beyond their ability to endure with the object of fatiguing them into a accepting a socialist form of government that benefits a tyrant only and oppresses the freedom and liberty of the people.

You have abandoned the military on the field of battle by declaring that they are murderers, baby killers and torturers. You have sought to cut off the funds they need to sustain their lives and carry on the battle. You have nominated, elected and defended a commander in chief who declared that he “loathes the military”.

You have supported, defended and covered up actions of the same commander in chief rightly and justifiably accused of high crimes and misdemeanors. The likes of which are Perjury, Subornation of Perjury, Evidence Tampering, Witness Tampering, Money Laundering and Sexual Harassment. You have witheringly attacked those duly obligated to investigate and prosecute such crimes. You have ignored in the most vile, vicious and unfeeling way the cause of Justice that his victims sought.

You have encouraged, supported and defended Illegal Immigration into this nation to the point that the general welfare of the people has been threatened. You have used them to vote illegally to gain, regain and retain political power due to the loss of support among the American People.

You have endeavored to censor all opposing viewpoints in the media through judicial and bureaucratic means, rendering ineffective all political opposition.

You have bartered away our sacred national sovereignty to international organizations and foreign tyrants. You have attempted to split asunder American traditions and values necessary to sustain its existence. You have endeavored to destroy the American people’s faith in God, Family and Country. You have attempted to render useless state legislatures, congress, majority rule and constitutional law all for the purpose of congealing power in the federal courts. You have substituted foreign Anti-American political philosophy for constitutional law preferring the ravings of atheists, socialists, radical liberals and communists for the Reasoned, Enlightened approach of the Founding Fathers.

For these and other offenses too numerous to mention here, We the People of the United States of America, United in Liberty and fortified by the knowledge that we have a birthright of Freedom, do hereby declare that this nation should and ought to be free of the malignant stain of oppression forced down upon us by the Democratic party, That We the People have a right to take our place as leaders of the free world. Therefore, we hereby highly resolve that this great nation free and sovereign, and united in Liberty, will not bow down before any human power on the face of the earth. And with a firm reliance on the hand of God, We the People of the Untied States of America mutually pledge to our nation and ourselves our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor.

Jerome Bowe
429 Center Street
Forked River, New Jersey 08731
(908) 461-3330

1 comment:

Titus said...

Not that I’m picking a fight… I KNOW the context the piece was written in, and all… but I did have some questions concerning the post.

1) During the Trial by the Senate, when the two Articles of Impeachment were weighed… the Senate majority was 55-45 in favor of the Republicans. Had the verdict been decided by strictly party lines, we’d have had Gore for CiC for the last 3 years of the millennium… but 15 GOP Senators (including Arlen Specter, Fred Thompson, and John Warner… stalwart conservatives, I thought) voted NOT GUILTY, however. Thus, the clear majority of Senators decided that these Articles were NOT fact, and acquitted Clinton.

Why is it that so many conservatives forget this? Had they simply stuck to the “isle”, Clinton would have been found guilty by a clear margin… but it wasn’t enough of a case for the afore mentioned “heavies” to vote “thumbs down” was it?

2) My other beef (strictly tongue-in-cheek) is with the part about leaving the soldiers without funding or support. I was wondering if anyone could tell me under what President the US military got its biggest force reduction since 1978? The largest number of base closings and reductions? The largest percentage of “early retirements” and furloughs? That’s right, kids… thanks to Rummy’s “Leaner and Meaner” military, these honors go to the Administration of G. W. Bush.

Now, I’m not saying Clinton-gore DIDN’T cut spending and size in the military… they did. A lot. But they are NOT alone in that honorary place, are they?

Lest we forget…