Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I was wondering...

... when Ryan would get to texting about ol' Harry.

I have always been a fan of the old adage "What goes around, comes around." Harry Reid is living that adage, and so is the rest of the Democratic leadership in DC. In fact, I think Reid went even further than Trent Lott did... Lott was trying to flatter a really old Senator by saying he had done the country much good, while Reid was saying that Obama could do the country much good IN SPITE of his being "Negro" (I'm paraphrasing, of course). Add to that the fact that Lott even had Democrats defending him, while Reid can't even get the support of all the Democrats, and you begin to see the scope of Reid's nightmare.

If Reid doesn't step down, this Congress will fall into a depth of uselessness unparalleled in history. It is already one of the lowest rated Congresses on record, but to allow this level of hypocrisy to go unaddressed will handicap this class into the next year.

All polls lead to the conclusion that Reid won't even get re-elected next cycle, so his "lame duck" status is cemented. If the DNC doesn't force his hand pretty soon, 2010 really could be the turning point for the conservative movement in America.

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