Friday, January 8, 2010


Sorry about my last. Things are crazy here, and my last post was interrupted and instead of hitting "Save" I hit "Post" with nothing done. hehe... "cloaking device"...

It's too bad. I had a rather good post ready to go, too... lots of historic detail making my case that, while Jambo is right and the over-all devices of the Nazis meant they couldn't possibly win their stated goals, I think there is a point between Sept 1939 and May 1945 when the tide turned from one of total Nazi command and control of the military, political and social orders in Europe to the opposite... the loss of Nazi control to Allied forces.

I put that point of change at June 22, 1941... when Operation Barbarossa went into effect and the Nazis invaded the USSR.

More later... Jacob is sick with a 102 fever and it is snowing to beat hell outside. Seems they just cancelled school across the district, so I'll be handling all the kids today, sick or not.

Oh, and on another note...

Pennsylvania just passed all the needed legislation for table games to go into every casino in the state. That is REALLY good news for me... with any luck and the blessings of heaven, I'll be gamefully employed (pardon the pun) by the end of the month.

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