Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Viva la Voter !!!

I wanted to make mention of something. 3 prominent Democrats, including Chris Dodd, have announced they will not seek reelection. Dodd, being the chair of the powerful ways and means committee, banking, etc, is a particularly noticeable "retirement." Chairs of powerful committees do not simply resign - this is getting bad fast for the Democrats running in 2010. Now, as to my point - knowing Rahm "dead fish" Emanuel as I do, he will not simply stand by and watch his bosses majorities evaporate. Get ready in the near future for a sweeping amnesty ("immigration") bill. He will seek to flood the polls with newly legal voters, assuming they will be fertile Democrat recruits. Just my "new year prediction" if you will.

By the way, if I may address my senator, Harry Reid: make note of Dodd sir.

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