Monday, January 11, 2010

Winter in NEPA...

Woke up to -8 on the thermometer this morning at 6 am... damn cold by anyone's standards, but especially dangerous in a hundred-year-old home like this. So, even though things seemed fine at 7 am, we just now discovered that the hot water pipes were frozen underneath the kitchen floor.

That space is particularly difficult to access, as it is an addition from the '40s and has no basement... just an uninsulated crawlspace with no room for a fat guy like me to work in. None the less, come spring, this is a problem that MUST get fixed. We have been lucky so far not to have anything burst, but that kind of luck never lasts in this house, so as soon as humanly possible, "fat boy" Titus is going to have to squeeze under there and get some insulation on and around those pipes. In the mean time, its all-hands-on-deck while we try and thaw the pipes out again.


1 comment:

Jambo said...

If you're talking about wrapping the pipes in some kind of insulation blanket, not involving tools or cutting torches or arc welders or anything, THAT'S WHAT YOU HAVE KIDS FOR! Last I checked Nolan and Katie were nice and skinny and had two workings hands, arms and legs. Do what your father did and press gang them into the crawlspace. How many times did WE have to do it? (I got to three without straining any memory muscles and I'm sure I'm missing a couple of times...)