Friday, January 8, 2010

I'm not playing this game...

I'm a very traditional Catholic, so there is no way anyone can accuse me of being soft on gay marriage. I believe in the sanctity of the marriage state, and that it only applies to the emotional and spiritual (notice I didn't include "financial" in that list?) bond between a man and a women.

However, gay marriage will become a reality in this nation... probably sooner rather than later, too. It is unavoidable, and the only variable is exactly when the liberal-leaning courts (including the Supreme Court) will make it legal across the country, just as they legalized and then institutionalized abortion over the last 35 years.

People who, for whatever reason, want to stop such an effort can ONLY do so by removing the government's ability to regulate ANY marriage via licensing. If people want to be "married", then it should be done within the guidelines of the couple's church, temple, mosque or local GLAAD chapter. The reasoning behind licensing marriage was to enforce the two-degree separation laws (couples must not be related closer than their great-grandparents) is now already covered by ALL State domestic protection regulations, so it is redundant and wasteful. With the number of people cohabiting outside of marriage AND raising children, concerns about genetic or blood-related conditions that could be passed from parent to child is also mute.

This should NOT be a pillar of the conservative movement in America... it is self-defeating to the stated goals of the movement. I have read far too many ultra-conservative experts who agree that there is NO BASIS for the denial of same-sex marriage constitutionally... because it isn't defined in any way, shape or form within the Constitution, thus making it a primary prerogative of either the People or the individual States (see the Tenth Amendment). What SHOULD be a huge factor in the conservative movement is removing the government's ability to regulate (and thus interfere) in the marriage of any two individuals.

Now, I know that the Catholic Church, and many other denominations and religions, have taken a very strong position in favor of mandating marriage as one-man-one-woman... but my conscience tells me that the greater evil is an over-reaching government openly advocating gay marriage, and not the watering-down of traditional Judeo-Christian values by keeping government out of the marriage area all together.

Just my opinion, though... I'd love to hear someone give me a rational Constitutional argument against gay marriage, because I have yet to hear one.

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