Thursday, January 7, 2010

"Paging Mr. Winchell ..."

This is good. The fellow that brought us the footage of ACORN & their various scandals has a new web site. He became famous (or infamous depending on whom you are) with the site "Big Hollywood", then "Big Government" (that was the undercover ACORN source), and now he has "Big Journalism, accessible HERE. Its premise is to be a throw back to when the media truly was a watch dog, unafraid and made their bones on exposing corruption, rather than its' partisan cover up.

One of the contributors is Greg Gutfield. If you don't know him, he's the host of Fox News' "Red Eye." That show is the political version of the E Channel's "The Soup." Sharp, funny, even goofy. But Gutfield is no mere comedian, he has a full grasp of the issues and their nuances. As he has noted on previos shows he gets a daily blast of emails from Media Matters, George Soros's propaganda outfit. Go to the Big Journalism site, scroll down till you see Gutfiield's post and the provided You Tube clip of a bit he put together fpr last night's show ... I laughed my a** off.

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