Saturday, September 11, 2010

Almost funny...

Today, the New York Times (yes, the Times) is advocating the extension of the Bush Tax Cuts as the best thing to do for the economy, and the surest way for Dems to stay in power in 2010.

So, essentially, what the Times is saying is the conservative economic theory (i.e. those who want to follow the Laffer Curve as a fiscal guide) they have been decrying for the last 12 years really does work, and that lower taxes is the quickest way out of a down economy.

Mind you they still want to increase taxes on those making more than $250k per year, but they temper this with the rationale that only 2% of our tax-paying population makes that much anyway, even though that 2% also pays for more than 40% of all employer costs associated with small business... but it is still nice to hear such an obvious mouthpiece of the Liberal left suddenly "flip-flopping" on the Bush Tax Cut position when only 6 months ago they were calling the entire thing a "tax shelter for the rich and powerful" in America.

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