Sunday, September 19, 2010


Osama bin Laden, if captured alive, will be tried by the State of New York, the United States Federal government, the State of New Jersey (under the Port Authority) and then any foreign government that wants him.

The precedent is set. Oklahoma tried and convicted Timothy McVay, but it was the feds that executed him for THEIR conviction. How these trials line up, (Feds first, New York second, New Jersey third, and so on) I have no idea.

Is this a good thing? I do not know. Will hundreds of radicals throw themselves at us with bombs strapped to their chests? A possibility. But with SO many legal steps to take, justice would without question prevail.

I used to think that a dead bin Laden was the best bin Laden, but I am hoping he is captured alive. With all the conflict, all the deaths associated with 9/11 and the subsequent wars following, his trial would offer the potential for closure and the opportunity to show the world justice instead of revenge.

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