Friday, September 24, 2010

Thoughts on "Classic,"

Got out last night around 2, golf junket in with the D list Playboy Bunnies escorting, so trailer park trash pandemonium reigned for the entire shift. Had an hour to kill before having to pick up Leona (carpool) so I zipped home and read Titus' Bund post.

If we are talking time travel vehicle examples of classic, as in "I remember EXACTLY where I was and what was going on when I read this the first time," then you have to include the first three books of Stephen King's Dark Tower series. Which also made me think, as a big part of the time travel recollections were what music was playing. Had to root through my CD collection but I recovered a priceless gem... James Levine conducting the London Philharmonic performing Gustav Mahler's 6th Symphony.

The Kia Sorento, by the way, has one of the best factory installed sound systems for listening to that piece I have ever heard. I have never been a fan of listening to classical music in a vehicle, as most of the small details get lost in the ambient noise of traffic and such, but this was AWESOME. The Andante movement was spectacular, took me right back to college. Almost had to blink tears out of my eyes. So when Leona opens the door and gives me this glazed look because I've listened to the whole piece for this one climactic phrase and she's not in the mood for very loud classical music, my heartbreak is also classic.

Oh well.

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