Monday, September 20, 2010

Good news?

Just read this evening that the "Great Recession" is now, officially, over as of June, 2010.

All I can say is "Thank God" I'm employed, because I don't want to have to look for a job in this "recovery" at all.

Nothing gives Ryan's claims that deficit spending is bad for a recovery real credibility like Obama's track record for the first two years of his Presidency, does it?

I'll tell you this... there are going to be real changes in the Chateaux de Lieteau-Foster from this point on, in regards to how money is spent and saved by all its residents. Never again will we be so dependant on credit... if we can't pay for an item or purchase in cash, we won't get it at all. Never again will this family be at the whim of creditors when it comes to whether or not we can pay our bills in a month, should the economy tank again (which is what I think will happen before the end of Obama's term).

I know we won't be doing any extraneous spending any time soon, but I hope someone does... and that those someones do it at the casino I work at.

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