Tuesday, December 23, 2008

All politics aside

It seems that there has been alot of debate and disagreement about the previous "New Deal" politics and "The Greatest Generation". I think you guys have figured out by now that alot of times I don't always look at things from a strictly political or historical point of view and that at times I speak from an emotional or gut feeling. In my opinion whether you are a fan of the thenew deal or an opponent in the end those programs instilled hope in alot of people that at the time didn't have any. There are times in history that decisions made by the government that may not have been fiscally prudent but for the times were emotionally necessary for the people.

If you take a walk about this beautiful country of ours as I have been given the privelige of doing either through my military travels or through my fathers I have seen the things that may not have necessarily been fiscally prudent but in the end gave us things to be proud of and things that when we look upon them and think about the men and women that have poured their sweat and tears into these projects quite literally have brought tears to my eyes.

I am by my own nature a moderate conservative. There are programs that I think are a complete farce and have done nothing but bring people down and leave them down just based on their never ending supply of dollars with no expectation of working to earn them and no expectation of repayment. We forget that today a mans pride is no longer guaged by a days wage for a days work. Back in the day a man was not a man without a job and a days wage. A man without a job could not support his family and by that definition alone he was a failure. If you want to guage the success or failure of the new deal you cannot fail to include the personal pride a man received by feeling that he had done a days work, had earned a days pay and now his family could eat one more day fulfilling his requirement as a man in soceity of that day. There are times when the socialogical aspect of some government programs is neglected and in this case we have only been focusing on the fiscal. I would encourage all of us to remember that the definition of what a man was then vs what the definition of a man is now has changed and that alot of those new deal programs helped men of those times reclaim their pride and by that definition alone the new deal was a success.

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