Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Hear, hear!

Well said, Baddboy!

There is no question that I am just pretentious enough to forget the broader picture and focus only on my own opinions of the politics. The Greatest Generation was a slice of American society that not only appreciated the freedoms and liberties our Country affords us all, but understood the price of defending and maintaining those freedoms and liberties could run very high indeed, and was paid by ALL of society... not just the military.

I won't keep defending the New Deal any further, other than to say that it was a measure of government intervention at a time when intervention was absolutely necessary. Not all of it worked, but for anyone (conservative or otherwise) to suggest it was a failure based only on biased concerns against Social Security, GEICO, federal retirement benefits, or any other New Deal legacy is simply inaccurate and wrong.

The other side of this coin is that, in today's world, can we blame our modern society and it's lack of civic pride and sense of duty on government intervention, or on "society's" demands for instantaneous and immediate gratification of all wants, needs and desires, with no sacrifice or effort on the part of the individual?

I mean, who can doubt that the Greatest Generation knew that anything was possible with a day's honest work and a real sense of pride in our efforts? Who can question the lack of the same in today's generation?

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