Sunday, December 28, 2008

Hmmm... compromise? HA!

This month, a Congressman from Texas has submitted a proposal that, for all intents and purposes, solves the "economic stimulus" problem in 60 short days, and with (literally) no effort on the part of the Federal Government.


By declaring the first two months (after the passage of the Bill) a Federal tax holiday, and suspending ALL Federal income and corporate taxes. It's pretty straight-forward... an easy read, as these things go... you can find the text HERE.

The long and short is that WE keep an extra 35% of our paychecks, and the Feds use the balance of the "bail-out" fund to keep Social Security and the rest of the "machine" running for the 60-day holiday. This equates to a 17% tax reduction for each and every working American in 2009, and will pump $333 BILLION dollars back into the economy with the first paycheck people receive... and this coming immediately on the heals of the holiday shopping season and all the credit card and charge bills we wracked up.

So, I'm of the opinion that NO action will be taken with this, because Pelosi/Reid/Obama only want the "relief" coming from their hands, and not remaining in the hands of the people that earned it in the first place. This will NOT make the list of Bills presented to the Congress on Jan 5th (the Dems will hang it up in review committee), and instead they will push their $786 BILLION dollar relief package, which will constitute another $750-1500 check for ALL Americans, not just for those working and paying taxes.

If this DOES fall out as I have predicted, and the GOP doesn't take the time and effort to point out to the American people just how wasteful and extraneous the Dem plan is compared to simply allowing you to KEEP 100% of your first two-months of salary in 2009... then they deserve the shape the country is destined to fall into over the next four years.

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