Monday, December 22, 2008

Wow... that's some list!

Waterloo... that would be something to see. Agincourt, Gettysburg, Normandy, Hastings... Waterloo is definately one of those places. I'm jealous...

Funny how three out of five of those battlefields is in France, isn't it?

I'm serious, too... TAKE PICS! Let's get some picture-pages up on this site, and if we can't get people to participate in the actual debates and discussions, perhaps we can shed a little "culture" on the masses.

I hope they do the live-fire demonstration while you guys are there... I will never forget what a .50 caliber M2HB machine gun sounds like at close range! That was a RUSH!

1 comment:

Baddboy said...

Agincourt - france
Gettysburg - USA
Normandy - France
Hastings - England
Waterloo - Belgium

Only 2 in France
Sorry Bro, had to make the correction