Monday, December 1, 2008

"Arguments" vs ideology:

Man, I was in the middle of writing this post a moment ago and all of a sudden it just flashed: "your post has been successfully published." So, if you came across it in the brief moments before I corrected it, a thousand pardons for an incomplete posting.

At any rate ... perhaps you are just itching for an old style actually in the driveway, Bund fight. Looking to get the proverbial itch scratched. But what the hell, I'm game ...

"dramatically right"... what a load of swill! Ask me if I think the reasone de guerre of the War in Iraq justifies the costs to date, and we'll see how far "right" I've come!

Excuse me? I proposed that your ideology had swung rightward, when compared to the rabid Reagan brow beating, 2nd Amendment redefining "swill" you espoused in the early oughts. How does "the reason de guerre" for the Iraq invasion define a left or right ideology? Nearly the entire Senate voted for the presidential authorization to invade Iraq. The "reason" settled upon by the administration (WMD's) has nothing to do with a left or right ideology. Thus your support or lack thereof has little to nothing to say about YOUR ideology. If you want to sate that modern day "conservative" ideology and the "traditional" Democrat party stance both include a robust defense and a hawkish approach to Islamo-fascism, hence you have remained consistent on National Defense, then fine, I'd agree. I wasn't proposing that you started out as a rabid leftist those years ago when we met. Perhaps I can better put it this way - your complete 180 degrees on the 2nd amendment (and make no mistake, it was); a "backing off" if you will of your support of government social intervention, when combined with the Democrat Party's hard left shift on defense, abortion, gay marriage, socialism even, has caused a "dramatic swing" in the way your ideological alignment is presently defined.

In other words, if you combine your holding onto traditional Democrat Party values, a turn on guns and your (albeit tepid) endorsement of the Reagan years (compared to the disdain you once held for him) WITH the modern Democrat Party's hard left turn, YOU can no longer label yourself "left of center", for the center has shifted to your left ... while you simultaneously took a few steps right. So what does that make you in the current American political lexicon? A CONSERVATIVE. And that label is one you would have found laughable only 8 to 10 years ago. THERE is the dramatic swing I was attempting to reference.

(NOTE: You are NOT being charged by the POST, nor are you being paid by the WORD... so perhaps in the future we could employ a little something we like to call "selection" when it comes making points or arguments from an article or story? Thanks!)

Did you notice my name to the right there, under "Bund Founders?" You see where I'm going with this? If I feel the full article is warranted, then THE FULL ARTICLE IS WARRANTED! And if you don't like it, reread the disclaimer at the bottom ... he, he.

And by the way, this is not the post which I foreshadowed earlier. But, as a teaser I'll say, if we agree on the present (mostly anyway), then lets argue some history ... later tonight.

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