Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Charlie Sheen

Let me just say ... enough. No Mas.

The guy couldn't get high enough with booze. So he went to sex with hookers. That didn't get him high enough. So he went to drugs. Still the high wore off. So he combined booze, drugs, & porn stars with the fame brought by a hit show (@ $2 mil an episode) so he could be on every news outlet at every second, allowing us to watch him destroy himself in real time - the attention high. Now he's lost his show & his kids were removed from the house. He's got to keep going. Higher, and higher. And it's not going to end well. The highs will kill him.

In the mean time our economy's got its' pants down around the ankles, the Mid East is on fire, and gas & food prices are climbing higher then ... well, you know who. So unless this guy's new high is announcing his bid for president, can the media just PLEASE move on from Mr. Charles Estevez???

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