Friday, March 4, 2011

Here's another story that isn't getting the attention it needs...

On Wednesday, March 2, the Supreme Court of the United States gave its decision in the Snyder v. Phelps case. The Court decided 8-1 in favor of the Westboro Baptist Church.

The above link gives you the whole decision, but what I found most interesting is Alito's dissenting opinion. I don't know if I have ever read a more eloquent or better presented argument against a SCotUS ruling. I'd go so far as to say it was a bit scathing. Alito's opinion is found beginning on page 23 of the document linked.

I don't want to re-write the entire case here, but I wanted to touch on a few points. I'm usually never going to put myself in a position where I am likely to be seen as "anti-free speech", but as Alito says... this sort of conduct (as demonstrated by the WBC members) is so far beyond the pale as to warrant very close review indeed.

The Court ruled that the topics addressed by the WBC members in their protests were broad, national topics and that they were within the established and recognized realm of protected speech, and Alito agrees to a point. Where Alito dissents is in the manner and in the place of the protest, and I couldn't agree more.

So much of what the WBC does is intended to give the maximum offense with the minimum effort, all with the stated goal of instant media coverage for their message. They are so focused on getting the "gospel" of hate and intolerance out into the public eye that no manner or means of doing so is seen (by them, anyway) as "below the belt".

Furthermore, I am increasingly convinced that the media in general is NOT covering this story, or the dissenting opinion, because they (in general) WANT the WBC to continue to act as they do. I'm not saying the liberal activists in this country agree with the WBC... I am more than sure they do not... but I think the WBC is convenient for them in that it provides a clear and recognizable example of what they call "Christian extremism". Whenever someone points a finger at Islamic extremists, they can always point to the WBC members and say "See? They're here, too!". The LAST thing the liberal arm of the national media machine are going to want spread around is the opinion of Justice Alito in this case, since it is both clear and concise, and utterly and fundamentally correct in its conclusions.

If you have the time, and can stomach the taste of the WBC arguments, read the opinions. This is a very good example (unfortunately) of the First Amendment being abused by the WBC and neglected by the Supreme Court.

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