Thursday, March 10, 2011

On Wisconsin...

Hehe... sorry, big pun there in the title... for those that aren't "cheeseheads" at heart, "On Wisconsin" is the University of Wisconsin fight song.

I followed up on Ryan's last post, and it is fascinating to see the way the liberal outlets and pundits are coloring this story. You can read any one of a hundred posts on the Huffington Post and all of them give a very twisted, heavily spun version of what actually happened... and none of them give any insight into the opposing view's points.

In just this one article alone, the liberal taint is so obvious it is almost amazing. I know this isn't "journalism"... its a blog, just like the Driveway Bund is a blog. It is pure opinion, with very little objectivity (which we, at least, try to maintain)... but it is still amusing to think that this is a "source" for so many in America.

I find it very telling indeed that they have completely ignored the FACT that the Wisconsin Senate did NOT violate law when it voted on the CBA-portion of the bill. Since (as Ryan said) it was NOT a budgetary matter (meaning no money was being appropriated by anything in the bill), no quorum was needed and only sitting Senators within the Chamber at the time of the vote need speak, it was a perfectly legal and straightforward move. I agree that it was as close to a "nuclear option" as the Wisconsin GOP was likely to have, but after three weeks, I'd say they had given the Dem leadership all the time they could.

Even more remarkably, the Huffington Post has elected to NEGLECT to mention the fact that more than 70% of Wisconsin respondents APPROVED of the action taken by the GOP Senators... so they can rant about "hurting middle class workers" all they want... 70% of middle class workers seem to think this was a measure worth supporting.

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