Wednesday, March 9, 2011


I did NOT know that about Jon Huntsman Jr. To be honest, I admire his father (i.e. pauper to billionaire / massive charitable contributions), and I allowed that to transfer to the son. That's my mistake (a lesson well learned when observing Ron Reagan Jr., I might add).

Oy, I'm glad you immediately put some of his rather left of center advocacy's up. And that leads me to further think that George Will and the traditional blue-blood, checked pants, golf course Republicans are out of touch (to their own demise) when it comes to the direction the GOP needs to head in, in order to survive. If they don't embrace the Tea Party / serious fundamental fiscal reform agenda, then they are going to lose all credibility with their base (& the public in general) and go the way of the Whig. Or at the very least see a serious challenge from their Right, thus electing Democrats in perpetuity.

At any rate, forget whether I would support Huntsman, which I clearly would not, there's no way he makes it out of the primaries in the era of the Tea Party. They hold all the cards, and possess all the energy. And I for one see that as a good thing.

Thanks for the info...

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