Thursday, March 10, 2011

My wife...

My wife seems to think (along with the bulk of her family) that I "hate liberals". When I asked for evidence of this hatred, she pointed to the Bund and started "quoting" (which she wasn't doing... obviously) that I write about how I hate gays, welfare moms, retirees, immigrants, Muslims, Mormons, pacifists and union members.

I am, for those that read this and aren't intimately familiar with me, a registered member of the Democratic Party, I am a faithful (but not always successful) Roman Catholic, I am a second-time husband, and I work in an industry that is bottom-to-top service oriented.

I most certainly do not hate any of the groups listed by my wife. For example...

I have known many people that I count as close personal friends who happen to be homosexual, and I wish them every happiness in the world. I call them "friend" because they are good and deserving people, not because they are gay... nor is it in spite of the fact that they are gay. Their sexual orientation has nothing whatsoever to do with my feelings about them. I do not support "pro-gay/lesbian" legislation because I wouldn't support pro-heterosexual legislation for the simple reason that the government has no business dictating what can and can't happen in the life of an individual that is abiding by and living within the law. I think it is wrong that I, as a heterosexual, have to go to the State or County where I live and obtain a marriage license (which is nothing more than a one-time tax on my lifestyle)... so why would I support something like that for homosexuals? If two people choose to live together as consenting life partners, I don't care if it is man-woman or man-man or woman-woman... live in peace and happiness as you see fit, just leave the government out of it, please.

I have a rather well-developed sense of social justice, and as such, I understand that there is a responsibility to those who have hit a rough spot in their lives. I firmly believe that it is in the greater good of the country to provide a degree of "security" to those that desperately need it... and welfare is that sort of security. I simply do not feel it is the sole province of the Federal government to provide it. I am convinced that the individual States know far better how to handle their homeless, indigent, unemployed and under-payed, and that these are the "governments" that should look to handle questions of assistance and aide.

I am, for those that haven't read this blog in its entirety, a firm supporter of doing away with immigration quotas entirely. I am in favor of an "open border" policy that screens only those wishing to apply for citizenship, and placing all the burden of "proof" on their shoulders. Our borders are so porous now that I find it hard to imagine a time when it would be easier for "terrorists" to enter the country than right now. The Federal government has tied the security at the border into such a knot that Gordius himself would be impressed (the mythic king who tied the Gordian knot). I simply do not think with extra effort and more money, the Feds can do any better than they are right now.

I am adamantly opposed to the US adopting an "official" language... we've never had one, the Founders didn't feel it necessary (and the disparity in languages was far greater then than it is now), and I simply think it is another pile of red tape that we don't need from the Feds. If people are upset at the "popularity" of such facets of commerce as "press one for English" then please blame the free market system that dictates that Spanish accessibility equals money for companies that provide it. If your problem is Federal regulations requiring it... then I'd say that MORE Federal regulations requiring specific languages is NOT the answer.

I do not hate Muslims, nor do I hate the religion of Islam. I am in no more of a position to poo-poo the faith of very nearly one quarter of the global population than I am of the man next door. If you were to ask me if I believe the tenants of that faith to be the true path to salvation, then I'd say, No I don't... but I make that determination based solely on my own personal understanding of God and His will. I can't make that call for anyone else. As much as I have tried, I cannot deny that the greatest threat to our country and our society right now stems from radical adherents to that faith, however... and that conclusion is undeniable. Strict, literal interpretation of the Qu'ran leads people to act in a manner that is utterly antithetical to what I believe God's will to be, and thus I often question those who interpret the Qu'ran in that manner. Many Muslims do follow that narrow, ultra-orthodox reading, and many others seem to pick and choose what to adhere to with real zeal... but that isn't my fault, nor is it cause to say I am anti-Islamic... only anti-intolerant.

I do not hate unions. I come from a family with a deep union tradition that helped see my generation grow up with a degree of security that might not otherwise have been. The fact that unions did mountains of good for down-trodden workers from the 1830s right up to today is as undeniable as the rising of the sun... but just because I question the rational behind a union or group of unions that chooses to put their best interests above that of an entire State (or the communities that support them), suddenly I am a "union hater"? I'm "representing the man" because I think that the unions have gone too far in some areas? Sorry, but it is difficult for me to feel a lot of sympathy for union members who are asked to pay 12% of their benefit costs rather than the previous 2% (which is what the NEA is facing in Wisc.)... all while I am paying 26% of my benefit costs, for 30% less salary according to a national average? When they try and put kids back in the textile mills at $3/day for 60 hours a week... then I'll feel sorry and start "shopping union" again. In the mean time, I'm thinking long and hard about "homeschooling"...

I don't hate pacifists. "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called Children of God." (Matthew, 5:9) We are continually commanded in the Bible to "turn the other cheek" and to never resort to violence out of anger or frustration... but we are not forbidden to protect ourselves from danger and harm, either as individuals or as nations. There is no greater a level of national security for this country than that point where an enemy would look across our shores or borders and KNOW that there was a citizen willing to lay down his life behind every branch and tree (which is exactly what Yamamoto said would happen if Japan ever invaded the US). What better deterrent against crimes like burglary, rape, assault, or murder could there be than the fear that anyone you meet might be armed and ready to defend themselves? Want to know why our grandparents and great-grandparents didn't know the kind of crime rates that we know today? Because so many more of them had firearms in the house they lived in, or in the trucks and cars they drove. Anyone that doesn't think the way I do can simply not keep or bear arms... but please don't take that right away from me, because I want to be able to protect my family, my property and my life.

Finally... Mormons.

Liz really does get mad at me when I pick on Ryan about his faith. However, I cannot honestly do anything but praise each and every Mormon I've ever met for being honest, faithful and more family-oriented than any TEN Catholics I've met. Their faith is family-friendly and heart-felt... none more than Ryan's. I shouldn't pick on him about it... but the differences I have with Mormonism are purely theological, and Ryan is not a theologian, so I can't expect him to answer them for me.

So, if you are wondering... I don't hate Mormons at all... I just hate Ryan.


1 comment:

F. Ryan said...

Ha! Nice.

It would seem I can get any woman in the country to defend & look out for me, except for the one I married ... hehe.