Wednesday, March 9, 2011

This is "experience"...

I found this article online, and thought it graphically demonstrated just what I mean by "executive experience" in a political candidate.

Our current President didn't have this when he ran, while the two previous Presidents did (which is also graphically demonstrated in the manner in which they ran their administrations), and I am convinced that the NEXT Presidential candidate must have it too.

Walker is doing this right... but many already seem to think he is "selling out" by agreeing to keep some aspects of collective bargaining rights in place. However, nothing he is leaving is going to compromise the $330 million budget cuts he's vowed to find... he is only leaving the door open for future bargaining agreements. That's good "compromise", in my book. Get the cuts now, and leave the opportunity to deal again later on the table. Win-win, right?

Where has the Obama Administration shown that sort of ability? Just today, on the same page that had the Walker story, I find a short blurb that said that Obama wants to re-open the tribunals at GITMO for terrorists and detainees. Really? Wasn't the fact that GITMO existed a stain on "America" only two years ago? Didn't he vow to shut it down? Is he now doing a complete "about face" on an issue that so many of his "base" demanded he follow to the end? If it is, then it is ONLY because he must now admit that any alternative venue for these trials and tribunals puts the US at greater (and utterly unnecessary) risk... which is what the GOP has been saying for four years.

Of all the things you can point to and say about the Obama White House, one thing you CAN'T say is that it is providing any sort of leadership at all. None. Even Clinton did more "leading"... hell, I might even give Carter the nod if we were comparing them!

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