Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Maybe O'Keefe should run in 2012...

Have you seen what this kid James O'Keefe has done now?

He's gotten the (now former) chief executive of National Public Radio (the vaunted NPR itself) to admit ON CAMERA that NPR and PBS would be better off without federal funding.

Are you kidding me? That's like getting Clinton to admit he DID have sexual relations with that woman... or getting Nixon to admit that he was, indeed, a crook. A full confession from OJ wouldn't have come as more of a shocker to me than this did...

The kid single-handedly brought down ACORN, his videos have gotten the New Jersey teachers union to completely change the manner in which they meet with the press under any circumstances, he has brought more headaches to Planned Parenthood than another virgin birth would have, and now he brings to the front line the very head of NPR itself, berating conservatives as "xenophobes and fascists" while stating catagorically that NPR doesn't need Federal funding to thrive. Okay, so he got arrested and convicted of attempting to interfer with a US Senator's phone system... he did his community service, paid his fine and has settled his debt to society. Big deal...

Maybe this kid should run for President. Has anyone else on the list accomplished even one tenth as much as he has in the realm of fighting liberalism in America?

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