Thursday, January 3, 2008

Democrats... the "People's Party"

An un-named member of the John Edward's campaign was quoted as having said the following:

“the bad part is 100,000 people in a little state called Iowa may be picking the next president.”

Senator Levin (D-MI) told the same reporter that "This is a cockamamie system to nominate someone for the most powerful position in the world.” Presumably, that means he doesn't see the need to keep the process focused on the PEOPLE of this nation... I guess he'd rather the candidates pandered to other politicians and special interest groups. Someone should explain to the Honorable Senator from Michigan that the process he seems to endorse is one that we have some excellent examples of in history: it is EXACTLY how they chose Premiers in the USSR for more than 70 years.

Tell me Huckabee isn't getting sick of having to address issues and concerns of voters in NH... I read that one voter asked him what he planned to do about the unshovelled sidewalks in the town he had been visiting, while TV cameras and media outlets swarmed to hear his reply... but he isn't calling the system that keeps the politicians focused on the PEOPLE "cockamamie" or "bad" like the Dems seem to be.

I'm not saying the Dems are the only politicians that think like this... but they seem to be the only ones DUMB enough to say that they are thinking it during and election year.

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