Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Call it a little "post traumatic" episode stemming from the Packer's defeat at the hands of a very mediocre field-goal kicker on Sunday night, but I'm feeling pessimistic.

I have, of course, been following the election news headlines and feature stories on the cable and network news channels. There is so very little that is NEW, though... do you notice that?

I'd be willing to give really good odds that upon the outcome of this upcoming election, we will see no fundamental change in such "vital" areas as immigration, tax reform, health care and abortion (the last isn't even a factor in this election, is it?). Rhetoric and promises will fly till November, but once that new CIC is sworn into office in Jan. of '09, all drive and incentive to follow through will dry up like a garden slug in the Sahara.

No comprehensive restructuring of the Federal tax code, no security fence along the Mexican border, no national insurance coverage policy, and no attempt to curb or end the legal elimination of unwanted human children.

No... I am quite confident that regardless of party or politics, the winner in '08 will be addressing the same issues again in '12. Mark my words, keep them safe... the famous "Croc Dollar" is up for grabs with this bet.

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