Tuesday, January 29, 2008

"The eye that alters, alters all."

There are several things I wanted to get to, and will in subsequent posts; however, this must be addressed IMMEDIATELY.

None of the GOPs, if elected, will over-turn Roe v Wade, and none will do any more than follow the "surge" through, then abandon Iraq to it's own fate.

That's it, I've had it. I am so fed up with you pro-life poser Democrats. You're absolutely full of it. Must I recite the ways a president affects abortion? First, a President Obama will reinstate federal funding for Planned Parenthood which promotes and preforms abortions all around the world. And his willing same party Congress will no doubt oblige him - that should run US abortions up in the hundreds of thousands by itself. Secondly his socialized medicine health care will include coverage for abortions on demand, and as with all things that become "free" they will increase. And again, with a Democrat controlled Congress it will have a real opportunity to pass. There's another 1,000,000 or so dead babies on that initiative alone, each year.

Thirdly, at least two Supreme Court seats are said to likely be vacated in the next 4 to 8 years. And President Obama, with his Democrat Congress, will pull out their trusty ACLU alumni hand book and put in two justices to the left of Lenin, ensuring the two million plus a year genocide will continue for at least two more decades. Whereas if a president Romney et al could get two justices on a court that is currently a 5 to 4 pro-choice group, the math becomes quite favorable. What will the court look like with two more constructionists? It is a false accusation to say that a Republican president "will not overturn" Roe v Wade given that NO PRESIDENT can overturn any decided law. He can however either promote this culture of death via federal funding while protecting abortion rights for the next generation (what's left of them) through his nominees, or he can directly decrease abortions by withholding federal funding and leave Roe v Wade vulnerable to being overturned,via his nominees.

Now you can ignore this, or use some maze of semantics based circular logic all you wish, but lets be honest for a moment. In your heart of hearts you are repulsed by the GOP fiscal platform - you truly believe in wealth redistribution as a means of curing all social ills, and you can't sleep at night knowing that you contributed to their executive win via your vote, thus causing your desperate search of a Democrat with social morals. But since there isn't one you have concocted this fairy tale of the mind which has you diminishing the impact a president has on abortion down to zero as a means of rationalizing your support of an avowed abortionist.

Support him, vote for him, worship him all you want, but we both know it's because your swooning at his verbal excellency, Sir Barak, combined with this traditional disdain for the GOP has overtaken any concerns you have about abortion. THAT is why there exists this flawed rationalization concerning presidents having no impact -because you can't come to terms with the reality of your primary concerns. My advice is to admit you're pro choice and be done with it. Either way this "pro life Democrat" pattern of "rationalizing" your support for out and out pro abortionists (like Catholics voting for Kennedy in Massachusetts), due to your solidarity on fiscal issues, will find safe refuge with me no longer.

At the end of the day voting for Obama or Hillary means you have tossed your lot in with the culture of death and have surpassed endorsing abortion and moved into the realm of enabling it. And I don't know which is worse - that you know full well you're deluding yourself with this "Roe v Wade won't be overturned anyway"amalgam of self deception in order to support an abortionist like Obama, or that you don't know. Disgraceful sir. Just disgraceful.


Titus said...

Told you that would draw a comment...

Keep your panties on, Mr. Morals.


Anonymous said...

[... ] is one great source on this subject[...]