Wednesday, January 30, 2008


...not have to beat down the pile with a stick! LOL!

Look... my ability to recognize Presidential ability not withstanding, I wanted to make a quick point.

On my way home from another screwed up shift at the casino last night, I heard Hillary state (from FL, it seems) that she is more than willing to go to court to get the 57 or so FL delegates seated at the Convention. Little wonder, I guess... she won the state, which means she gets ALL the delegates.

Now, picture this...

She goes to court, and wins, and the DNC HAS to sit the 57 delegates for Clinton. Doesn't that give Obama and Edwards the right to say "HEY! If I thought it would have come to this, I'd have campaigned in Florida... and in Michigan, damn it! I want a DO OVER!" HUGE mess, and the potential for a HUGE split in the party base come November.


She goes to court and LOSES. No delegates sit at the convention from FL, and Obama wins the nomination. What are the chances that the majority of Hillary supporters are STILL pissed off about Gore in '00, and will chant and rave phrases like "Cheater!" or "We've not been heard!" What are the chances that her supporters will try to do what Dean did and carry on a "write in" campaign, thus dividing the Dem vote even further?

Where is the win for her here? ONLY if she doesn't get the delegates sat, AND wins the nomination anyway. That is the ONLY possbile way this doesn't come back to haunt them.

Just my musings...

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