Saturday, February 2, 2008

Berkley Protest...*sheesh*

I understand that this nation has a long tradition of allowing its citizens the freedom to question, and even condemn, the Government's actions... especially concerning war. This tradition dates all the wy back to the start of the War of 1812, and in each and every instance, as long as national security and personal safety were not a factor, these voices were allowed to be voiced.

After reading this article about the latest Berkley, CA protest effort I find myself upset, not at the prospect of another Berkley protest, but at the leader of the protest espousing the thought that she is doing it out of a sense of "tradition" herself!

Rather than make the focus of her protest the GOVERNMENT that is directing the efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan (I assume that is her beef), she has directed her group's efforts at one of the most fundemental institutions of freedom and democracy's defense and protection... the United States Marine Corps.

Would she be attempting to divert potential recruits if she had friends, or family, in harms way in a place like the WTC on 9-11? Or Pearl Harbor in December of 1941? Perhaps children studying abroad at a place like St George University in a small island called Greneda? Or a brother or sister working embassy duty in Tehran in 1979?

Hate G W Bush all you want, and protest to your hearts content... but don't protest the very INSTITUTIONS that defend your rights to free speech... or religion... or the right to freely congregate and vote for another, more suitable President... or even your very LIFE and the LIVES OF YOUR CHILDREN!

Thanks, Jason, for sharing this link with us. Hope to hear your very conservative voice in this forum soon!


Jambo said...

Who's Jason?

F. Ryan said...

Here, here. I have a sign sitting in my office that says, "FREEDOM ISN'T FREE, BUT THE US MARINE CORPS WILL PAY YOUR SHARE."