Wednesday, February 13, 2008

She's right about one thing... You're an idiot.

We're talking Russian moves to further its interests abroad by expanding its military capability as troublesome? Were we not as a discussion group ADVOCATING that very thing? Isn't it about time someone else helps us other than Great Britain?

Now granted, we do not have a warm and cozy relationship with Putin. We all know why that is. And we all know why it shouldn't be that way.

How, in the global scheme of things, do Russian and American views diverge? It's not like Putin is spreading the Revolution anymore. In fact, there's probably no greater an ally AGAINST Communism than Putin. Russia wants a stable Middle East. Stable Central Asia. Secure borders. If they want to fly two fifty year old prop driven aircraft within BB gun range of a super carrier, well, how pissed off were the CO and CAG of Nimitz? And by the way, was anyone checking sonar while the air show was on? I'm the Rear Admiral of Task Force 74 and someone faxes me a photo of the Nimitz through a perescope sight taken during the flyby, I'm eating someone's nuts for lunch.

I'm on record as furthering Russian/American relations. Putin is no angel, I'll be the first to admit, but of all the buttheads we've dealt with as a nation, this one warrants some latitude. If for the only reason, if he ends up in bed with China and India, we really have a Clancy senario.

1 comment:

Titus said...

That's all well and good, as long as we are on the same "page". History hasn't shown that we stay on the same page for very long, though...

Only recently, we have the issues of Iraq, Iran, North Korea, and the possiblity of placing US bases in several Central Asian republics that Russia feels are in HER "sphere of influence" and well outside our own.

She has seen ALL her allies of the last century either join NATO or the EU... or both. China is gravitating far more towards the West than Russia, and the only leaders that still clamour for Russian aid are the NK's and the Cubans.

And look where she has made gains...

Russia is the only G8 nation EXPORTING energy while importing 0% of its own energy needs... the only one. That's a BIG gain in today's world.

Just rambling, really...