Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Man, this pisses me off...

Once again, I am forced to lsiten to a "Reagan Conservative" complain about NAFTA and it's "liberal" roots.

How does someone like Wilkow get top billing on a platform like Sirius Radio (ahead of Hannity, for God's sake!) when he actually seems to think that the North American Free Trade Agreement was authored by Bill Clinton? Has this man even looked it up? Doesn't his show make enough money to hire hack-interns to do the research for him?

NAFTA is the end product of the US-Canadian Free Trade Agreement, which was the brain-child (perhaps "heart" child is a better term, as it was something he dearly believed in) of Ronald Reagan... the very man these people take their label from! NAFTA as it stands today was signed into being by President George H W Bush in 1992, and it was passed through Congress by sweeping bi-partisan support from both sides... that includes MAJORITIES of GOP Senators and Representatives. These pro-NAFTA members of Congress include such "bleeding heart liberals" as Newt Gingrich, Bob Dole, Thad Cochran, Trent Lott, Tom DeLay, Dennis Hastert, Tim Hutchinson, and John McCain.

For ten minutes this guy rants about how the "liberals" that are crying for a raise in the Federal Minimum Wage need to blame Clinton for the fact that NAFTA is taking jobs out of the country and into places like Mexico, or that farmers in America need to stop bitching about not being able to compete with Mexican produce prices because Clinton enacted NAFTA. What should Clinton have done? Vetoed the Bill? Stopped what Reagan had started with the very words of his First Inaugural Address?

THIS man is the "new" generation of conservative in America? THIS is the man that wants to bring back the Reagan principals to American politics? If he is... then someone better tell him who Reagan REALLY was and what Reagan REALLY wanted for America pretty damn quick.

What a dumb ass...

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