Saturday, February 23, 2008

Here's a book worth reading...

... and I won't say that about most of his other books!

David Frum has written a new book... Comeback! Conservatism that can win again!... that I think is a must read for any "conservative" hoping for a win in '08.

First off, let me say that I am not a huge Frum fan. The only other book of his that I am familiar with is called The Right Man and is a shockingly bland and banal apology of President Bush and his first Administration. He has written at least half a dozen other conservative rags, but this latest is so shockingly GOOD that I have to recommend it.

This man knows the power of a good analogy! He uses them time and time gain to show WHY conservative radio and news pundits are derailing the conservative agenda by constantly referring to "What would Reagan do?" One of the best was the thought that if you could go back to Jan. 1981 and ask the newly sworn-in President Reagan how he was going to "bring back" the golden years of 1969-1970 and the great successes of the Nixon Administration... what would Ron's response be?

"Get the hellout of my office!" is what Ron would say. "This is 1981, not 1970, and Nixon isn't President... I AM" is another very likely response.

His analysis of politics (in this book, anyway) seems spot on. For the bulk of Republicans to continue to dismiss 3 out of 4 American's concerns for the environment is the fastest way to alienate 75% of moderate, independent or undecided voters IN AN ELECTION YEAR! Even George W. learned that lesson pretty fast, and he's as lame-duck as you could hope to find. To deny that the median average annual salary in this country has NOT MOVED ONE PENNY UP since 2000 is the fastest way he (and I) know to make yourself look like an idiot on a stump. To defend "America's" right to drive gas-guzzeling SUVs and to decry the use of ethynol-products in fuel production shows those same voters that you don't care about energy independence OR the cost to the consumer in America.

He recommends seperating the "hysteria" from the "concerns". Ask John Q. Public which of the current Presidential candidates has the best record on environmental issues, and the answer is a resounding "Barak Obama"... when, in fact, he has one of the WORST environmental records in Congress (mostly because he didn't ever VOTE for anything, one way or the other). John McCain, who has consistantly voted a solid, "conservative" environmental line is unknown to the public.

He recommends that the GOP frankly and honestly address the fact that the reason that the median average annual salary hasn't gone up in 8 years is because whatever gains the average Joe has made in wages over that time have been eaten up by the rising costs of health care... which has TRIPLED in the same 8 years for the average family of four. Do not dismiss the public's concerns about these costs as a general advocation of "universal health care"... because it ISN'T! It is a cry for help from more than 16 million uninsured Americans, and another 120 million that can barely afford the premiums they are paying now.

He recommends that candidates (for ANY seat, and not just President) STOP trying to make America see them as the next incarnation of the semi-divine Reagan, and START showing America that the GOP has the best interests of the NATION at heart, when compared to the concilliatory attitude of "globalism" that the Dems keep vaunting. Show the public the REAL Democratic record instead of defending a non-existant Republican one, in other words.

I'll tell you what, this Frum guy hit the nail on the head this time. I can forgive him all his apologetic platitudes for Bush, just for writing this book.

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