Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Hewitt's even better ...

I've heard Bennett's show several times, although not daily - he airs 5 to 8am here. I even bought a Bulova Hack Watch (a limited edition exact replica of the WWII US Marine watch as used in the movie The Great Raid) due solely to his advertising it, his studios are the "Bullova Studios" after all. I find one thing curious though - I remember DISTINCTLY sitting in the Grand breakroom with Bennett on the telly in a punditry capacity, and you taking the cigarette from your mouth and exclaiming, "I can honestly say, THAT man scares me." What has changed? He hasn't, not since your Grand era statement anyway.

Between the Sirius radio & there being 3 different large AM stations in Vegas as opposed to the just one in Biloxi (of you don't count 870 out of New Orleans) I have been exposed to dozens of conservative talkers, and yes Bennett is one of my favorites. However, its gotten to the point that I can't listen to Hannitty anymore and barely to Rush - not that they've changed or become unpallitable but compared to Hugh Hewitt, they seem juvenile in their analysis and the substance (not to mention tone) of the conversation. Hewitt is without question the most prepared interviewer on radio. He reads the entire book before the author appears and when he has a guest, it's for one or two hours and they exhaust (to his credit) the issue so that all aspects are explored. there are no "segments" or clever (or attempts thereof) at blue humor pegging leftists (not that I mind that mind you), it is just simply a conversation of well thought out proportions. Last night (he airs live the same time Rush does, but Rush being the radio collosus he is fills that time in the morning) he had on a professor of history for Presidents Day and they went through the strngths and weakness & a timeline of all 43 US presidents grading them almost identically to the theme initiated by Titus! It was insanely more interesting and intelligent then Hannity. He has on the Beltway Boys from FOX sometimes and they discuss politics. He's had the commander of our Pacific fleet on to discuss strength readiness. He has read and can quote the Federalists Papers, Socrates, Voltaire, tons of Shakspere (& he's Catholic), it is simply a cut above from "regular" radio and I urge you to listen. I don't know if he's on 144, but find out if you can get him somehow - you wont be dissapointed.


Titus said...

Like I said in the other comment... I think you might be remembering my comments about Bill Donahue... he was a conservative pundit and "Catholic advocate" that was frequently on the TV and radio... until an indictment came down the pipe in '04 which seems to have taken some of the wind out of his sails.

Otherwise, I don't know what I could have been saying. Prior to listening to his show, I didn't know a whole lot about the man... other than he was Sec of Ed for Reagan near the end of the first term.

F. Ryan said...

By the way - Hewitt opens & greets callers with the phrase "Morning Glory, Evening Grace." I suppose that is some Catholic reference. I know Donahue, he still makes the rounds on TV occasionaly - he's getting elderly & calmer though. I still remember it being Bennet in that breakroom though ... oh well, no matter.