Monday, February 4, 2008

I've always OWNED your ass on this issue Titus ...

... immigration. And it's because I do my homework, i.e. when it comes to the majority of Americans, including legal immigrants, wanting a "closed border first" (to ILLEGALS & drug runners, terrorists, etc, as opposed to any immigrant wishing to migrate here legally) policy.

You've misread the political tea leaves in the following statement my friend...

Another is immigration. In a state where Latino/American voters a huge factor, which GOP candidate came out on top? The one with the most moderate immigration reform position... McCain. I can't help but feel that this give a new light to Ryan's position that the MAJORITY of legal immigrants and native-born Latino/Americans whole-heartedly support the kind of "closed" border mentality that Ryan (and many conservatives) advocate. The results of "Super Tuesday" will make or break my point on this issue, when so many other states with large, LEGAL Latino/American voting blocks have their voices heard.

The reason McCain has surged is because he's running TOWARDS the right. Myself and others (AM radio hosts, Hastert, Gingrich, etc) think its politically motivated and not genuine, but it has been effective with enough Republicans to cause his leap ahead. Examples? Every commercial he runs, of which I have heard/seen many, he refers to himself as "a foot soldier in the Raegan revolution." "Low taxes", "no withdrawl dates in Iraq", echo in every ad spot. And geuss what else is a centerpiece? Titus, he repeats over and over and over at nauseum that he quote, "learned his lesson on immigration and the American people want the border enforced first."

He's said it so much that you could probably google the phrase and his name will come up. He no longer is what you would describe as a "moderate" on this issue and has said so loudly and often. And on that score - on what is moderate and what is on the fringe - it is clear that "border enforcment first" is the moderate position. It is the majority, mainstream postion and the "open borders" bunch like Titus, Hillary & Bush - yes, "dubya" too - are clearly on the fringe and out of the mainstream. Whether McCain does well or it's Romney what will be shown on SUPER TEUSDAY is that a GOP primary candidate can not get our nomination without being mainstream, (read: enforcment first) about the border. Your ass can pucker all it wants tomorrow as you see McCain do well, while you sit there thinking this proves I'm wrong about what a majority of legal immigrants want - but it will prove just the OPPOSITE! McCain had to convert to my side, the majority side, the moderate side, in order to win .... put that in your amnesty Peterson & smoke it.

Oh, and one other thing: Obama uses the phrase "we must enforce our border" repeatedly, even at the Democrat debate in LA the other night with perhaps the MOST liberal audience (half were celebrities, it was LA after all) in attendence. He adds, "done humanely" as a caviat, but "enforcment" is the buzz word nonetheless, and on BOTH sides. You wanna know why? They've researched the same numbers I have .... damn, I love it when I am soooo RIGHT (if you'll excuse the pun).

1 comment:

Titus said...

Ryan wrote: "He no longer is what you would describe as a "moderate" on this issue and has said so loudly and often."

So explain The Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2007, in which doors for amnesty are left WIDE open and a suspension of current "enforcement" regulations is immediately called for... which has this particular "mainstream" conservative's name ALL over it.

Please... do explain this for me, I can't wait to understand it.