Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Slow down cheetoh ...

This fascism discussion isn't some emotional driven bone that I'm picking, thus prhases in capital letters such as "I'LL TRY TO EXPLAIN THIS ONE MORE TIME", are both unneccessary and unwarranted. I was just expressing some thoughts on the issue, which were simply this ...

I think "fascism" has been misidentified as having a particular economic component, as defined as the opposite of past communist regimes. And I have tried to be specific by using the term "Soviet brand communism", so as to avoid your annoing little habit of giving a text book definition of the term "communism"and reiterating for the tenth trillion time that it has never actually existed in that true, pure form.... sheeeesh, we get it already.

And look, this is not some machansia of Ryan's mind - I pointed out that the term has not come to a consensus definition within the historical community to date. Western PhD's of all stripes have argued it means different things, and for a century at least. You have defined it, in my view, as a totalitarian regime without the communist economic attempts. Or, totalitarianism with its capitalism intact. Fine, I disagree, and for this reason - every aspect typically associated with historically labeled "fascist" regimes - opression, strict allegiance, secret police, one party rule, one form of hegemony or another whether it be economic/class based or race based, and getting "them" who opressed "us", again whether steeped in race, religon or economics - can be readily found in both Nazi Germany and the USSR. I think therfore all historically infamous oppressive regimes, be it Stalin, Hitler, Moussolini, Pol Pot, Mao, or Ahmedenajad, employed one brand or another of fascism. Some oprresed and ruled centered around the theme of racial hegemony; some economic hegemony; some religous hegemony. Fascism, in my view, is interchangable with more general terms such as "totalitriansim" and "despotism", thus making the Soviet style communist regimes (not "communism's" text book definition) but another form of fascistic rule.

It's just my opinion, one I have backed up with a reasonable line of thinking, so unbunch your Dora panties and calm down.

Damnit! The spell check is still disabled. I wasn't home-schooled you know, I'm not a spelling bee champion.

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