Friday, November 28, 2008

Regarding "Playground Antics"...

As painful as it is for me to say this... I think Obama is doing the best thing he could be doing.

Personal feelings aside, ANY President Elect facing a tanking economy, continuing violence against Americans abroad, and a divided electorate, I would expect and counsel nothing LESS than every effort be made to focus attention away from the things he promised MOST to fix once he was elected President.

Obama had the answers for a failing economy. Obama was going to "reach out" to those who would do violence against us and make them understand that America is good and wholesome. Obama was going to be the President that would "unite" Washington politics and end partisan fighting that defined the last 55 years of Federal history.

The longer he can make people think this is Bush's mess, the longer he doesn't have to face the music as the guy that is going to fix it. This gets him the best of both worlds... he can keep a positive and uncluttered public eye on HIM, while the media and news outlets show Bush's policies failing (and falling) around our ears, and if thing begin to improve BEFORE January 20th (Obama's Inauguration) he can claim credit due to the positive "vibe" his election has brought to Washington and the world. If things continue to tank, or even stay the same, he can say "See, this is what Bush has done, and this is what McCain would have continued"... deflecting ANY heat from himself.

No, if Mac had won, I'd be telling him to do the exact same thing Obama is doing... it's the smart way to transition in today's media-driven political reality, and while it may ignore good manners and tradition... it wouldn't be the first time tradition has been flaunted and ignored by a new President. Reagan, Nixon, Ike and Wilson all did the same thing, in one way or another, when they took office, too.

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