Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Republican for a reason?

This is rather timely given Titus just explained to us all the resons why he remains a registered Democrat.

This is a new site put up by the RNC entitled REPUBLICAN FOR A REASON, with a letter of introduction by the current RNC chairman, Mike Duncan:

Welcome to our newest grassroots Web site, Republican For A Reason.

As we regroup as a Party after the presidential election, we must reflect on what we have done well and what we can improve upon as we move forward.

The Republican Party has always been the Party of hope and the Party of ideas. I strongly believe we will continue in this tradition as we work to the future.

I thank everyone who volunteered their time, resources, and energy to elect John McCain, Sarah Palin and Republican candidates up and down the ticket. While we must acknowledge 2008 was a challenging year, we were able to hold critical House and Senate seats, raise more resources than ever before, and make gains in critical areas that would not have been met without your tireless efforts.

Moving forward and right here, you have the opportunity to reflect on the reasons why you are a proud Republican. Please tell us what you would like to see the Party focus on and address in the coming weeks and months. To learn more about the principles of the Republican Party, read our Party rules and Party platform ratified during the 2008 Republican National Convention in Minnesota.

I look forward to your input and your ideas.

Best wishes,
Robert M. "Mike" Duncan
Chairman, Republican National Committee

Now my initial response is: you need a web site to help steer you towards what you stand for? What the f#%^&!!^)**^% !!!

This forum allows the user to post text or video. I posted a text. Now, after perusing through the other posts I noticed that the "clear commentary" lapse time is about an hour, so my comments won't appear just yet. And just in case their filter parameters do not allow the advertising of another site or link, I also posted without the reference to the driveway bund at the end. Here is my response, which I might add captures the mood of the vast majority of posts (of which there was 307 as of 4pm Eastern time, for 11/12/08):

Are you kidding? Mr. Duncan, Republican members of the House and Senate, you all, each and every one of you know exactly what we, the rank and file members of the GOP, think -THERE ARE NO MORE CONSERVATIVES leading our Party! It occurs to me that of the "big 3" issues within our political lexicon as a nation -national security, social policy (abortion etc), and fiscal policy - the GOP ranks a score of 2 out of 3 (AND THEN JUST BARELY). And while that may be sufficient to win a prize at carnival games, it hardly allows for the electoral success of a national Party. For the love of all that is holy and good - EMBRACE FISCAL CONSERVATISM. I invoke the name of Reagan to cast out this nonsense of bailouts, government bloating, and central planning that my Party has embraced. To say that Republicans spend like drunken sailors is an insult to inebriated salty dogs the world over! Getting back to our roots may be a cliche, but it's also the answer. Re-embracing Reagan conservatism is our only hope as a Party, and more importantly, our only hope as a country. And if you like, just such a course (along with other bristling, "cut through the clutter" political commentary) is delved into further on my site:

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