Thursday, November 27, 2008

A world in flames.

And so in the last 24 hours Islamic fascists have reminded us all that whether or not the free world "wants" to be at war matters very little ... for it is.

Have you seen the still photos of the subway transportation station? Blood strewn across the floor amidst the luggage can get your attention very rapidly.

Yesterday in a coordinated 8 location para military terrorist attack, members of the Deccan Mujahadin stormed into a major metropolitan city - Mumbai (formerly Bombay), India - and attacked in force various locations frequented by Westerners ... in search of Americans and Brits. Not with bombs or in a quest for the 72 virgins, but with guns blazing. They lined victims up and asked for "papers", executing people at point blank range, at will ... like a scene from 1939 Poland.

101 are now confirmed dead, including "6 foreigners" according to a senior Mumbai police spokesman. I can only assume they will not rlease the nationalities until they've contacted next of kin; but I have a sinking suspicion that there is another reason for the hesitation - one or more is an American.

This appears to NOT be a Pakistani/Indian feud. Why look specifically for Americans and subjects of the British Crown? Clearly they killed in a manner indiscriminate to race or nationality, but there can be no question - they were quite literally hunting Americans. THAT can not stand. How long, were we to pull out of Iraq and "back off" the Patriot Act, would it be do you suppose, before this story reappears in Brooklyn ... Seattle ... Las Vegas? Does anyone really believe they'll stop in Mumbai if left unconfronted?

According to the World Britannica:

Arabic: mujāhidūn - "those who engage in jihad."

I wonder aloud in dread ... can our next Commander-in-Chief spot an act of war when he sees one? An enemy? A just fight? The trepedation I feel when asking these questions is superceeded only by their answer.

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