Friday, November 7, 2008

You were right ...

I DID appreciate that irony. Two sentences in I was guessing Marx or Stalin.

And I was curious as to when Badboy's "pen pal" wrote, "with the help of our creator", was she referring to THE God of Abraham, or Obama?

Reading this reminds me of how fantastically hilarious those in the media are, who now claim he may govern from the "middle."

And just one last bit about this business of "pledging allegiance" (and I agree that statement was offensive badboy, it must be especially offensive to you as a member of the armed forces - pledging allegiance is for our flag & the freedom for which it stands, not our politicians). I was watching TV and Chris Matthews of MSNBC said that "it's my job to make sure this presdient succeeds, because America needs a successful presidency." Joe Scarborough (class of 94' former GOP congressman turned commentator) immediately asked, "Is that your job as a journaist, as a commentator, to help him succeed?" Response: "Yes, absolutely." Matthews is host and founder of one of the electronic media's modern institutions of political dissent - HARDBALL - and here he is ... pledging his allegiance.

Can you imagine if a FOX commentator said such a thing about Bush? Not even hyper partisans like a Limbaugh or Hannitty speak in those terms. And speaking of them there are 3 people that sit on the FCC governing board. One is controlled by the PoTUS (he appoints him), the other two are put in by congress. The "Fairness Doctrine" that Regan requested be repealed will certainly be on the agenda for reinstatemnt. This will effectively crush talk radio on the public air waves because were it to be reimplemented it would require each individual station manager to allow 3 hours of rebuttal arguments after each conservatives program, each day, less he be hit with crippling fines. Sure they'd simply go to sattelite, but is that the standard we want set? You can get your news free via the public airwaves as long as I, Lord Obama, agree with it?

Natan Sharansky, a "refusnik" Russo-Jewish political prisoner, and the first released by Mikael Gorbachev, once remarked, "The hallmark of a free society is being able to enter the town square and declare just how much you hate your own government, without the fear of reciprocity."

"Change" may indeed be coming. I suppose soon I'll no longer need to purchase charcoal for my out door grill - I'll simply pull out the list of government banned books and start a "German fire", if you get my drift.

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