Saturday, July 31, 2010

AGAIN with the Russians...

Call me obsessed, but get this...

In the last 24 months, there have been more than 30 Russian TU-95 flights into or right up to Canadian Arctic airspace, and each time the Canadians are forced to scramble fighters to intercept these bomber runs. The latest came as far south as Newfoundland... which is far north, I admit, but its still a long way from the Arctic!

I'm telling you... the Russians want the power and prestige back that the USSR lost in 1990. They want to intimidate and muscle-up the "little guy" to get the access to resources and territory that they might have to share otherwise. They are routinely pushing the envelope to see how far they can go before someone pushes back... and while the Canadians might be pushing back, I don't think Obama will.

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