Sunday, July 18, 2010

Founding Fathers

Over the course of my life I've developed a growing list of things that piss me off. The very top of that list, however, remained unchanged since the beginning of my intellectual awakening.

"Those who know better and choose less."

As I get older I see that it's more and more rare to get the opportunity to REALLY live and choose better, in a qualitative way that changes everything. We solve some of the largest problems our country faces here at the Bund, offering advice, historically proving ourselves and making calls years in advance and patiently waiting for the moment when we can say, "Dude! We SO called that!"

But during the 1770s a group of men acted on intellectual principles and made it happen, at tremendous personal risk. Franklin, Adams (both), Hancock, Jefferson, Madison, Hamilton, you get the picture.

And what they provided wasn't just a couple of documents and a new government hierarchy. In political and real world form they fashioned the IDEA of freedom, the CONCEPT of liberty so long debated and discussed in lounges, bars and living rooms into a working model, a functioning example.

They knew there were mistakes, parameters they could and could not foresee and they factored these into the design of their system. Where this system has survived and thrived where others failed was this elasticity.

Taking the hubris free pass and leaping with it, in many many respects the Bund isn't all that different from the social groups our Founding Fathers come from. We, unfortunately, only get to exercize our ideas in our vote. They molded the foundation of a nation.

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