Sunday, July 25, 2010

Another plus to PA gaming...

Ryan's post reminded me... one of the issues we've had here in NEPA is that we can't open all the games we need because we don't have enough floors. We don't have enough floors because the Commonwealth determined that a single floor can't watch more than FOUR snapper/monkey games, TWO craps games, THREE roulette, or FIVE poker tables, by law. The days of my watching six, seven or eight games seems to be over, thanks to the ultra-regulation of Big Government (ala Ed Rendel, D-PA). Thanks, Ed.

With me working all the OT that I am, I have almost no time to cruise the Internet for news and hot-topic items... I get it all from the two hours of commute that I do to and from work with my satellite radio. They re-arranged the radio schedule for Glenn Beck, which means one of my favorite shows (The Mike Church Show) got moved up to the 6-9 spot, so I go into work with Beck and come home with either NRA News or the Rusty Humphries Show. Beck is funny and very entertaining, but he does pump a lot of "religion" into his program. That's fine, and is undoubtedly a big piece of why he is rapidly overtaking Hannity for the #2 spot on talk radio popularity... I'm just not a fan. I like the humor, I like the topics, but the "spirituality" part I could do without. What bugs me most are the historical inaccuracies that keep popping up in his analogies over and over again. Roosevelt's "Progressive Party" didn't divide the GOP vote in 1811, the Constitution wasn't signed into being in 1776, and there is no "chartered" separation of "church and state" written into the founding documents of this nation outside of the prohibition of Congress to "establish a religion, or prohibit the free exercise thereof". I agree with much of what he says, and I know that much of the "mistakes" he makes are just that... mistakes. But when the mistakes are that common, it makes it hard to take him as seriously as I think he'd like me to.

Well, that's it for today... I'm off to shit, shower and shave for another 12+ hour adventure in gaming excitement.

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