Thursday, July 15, 2010

Robert Gibbs?

Isn't he the star of Family Guy?

Yes, I saw this Meet the Press clip you were referring to ... he makes Forrest Gump look like a Lincoln-Douglas debate. Maybe it's the Dan Quayle strategy - after listening to this guy the president can't help but look good.

Now - here's a fine demonstration in how wonderful socialized medicine is ... the North Koreans are operating on such a high level of innovation in medicine and money saving medical procedures that they have actually developed a way to administer amputations without the need of anesthesia. Genius! From what I understand the patient only experiences pain in the first few minutes ...

I'm not saying it would ever come to this in the US, I'm just saying it might be wise to stock up on whiskey and small bits of wood that can fit in your mouth.

Viva la Obama-care!

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