Saturday, July 31, 2010

That's nothing... you should see THIS...

Dude, you are actually surprised by something "anti-GOP" coming from the Dems, regardless of truth or rationale?

I actually heard today that the blame for the Sherrod termination stemmed from a "right-wing" effort to bring racism into the forefront of media attention... and I heard this on the Sirius Left channel of my satellite radio! They "claim" that the video was released in an all-out effort to take America's attention off of what Obama has accomplished and make them think he is a "race-baiter".

I haven't followed this story closely, but here's my understanding of it:

Sherrod gave a speech in which she detailed an experience that happened 24 years ago, wherein she allowed racially biased opinion to sway her actions as an FDA official. She regretted the actions and worked hard to repair the damage, thus offering some mitigation to the claim that she is a racist. The first release of the video that cost her the FDA job was three-minutes of heavily edited content from a 40 minute speech. Upon seeing the whole 40 minutes, I am no closer to thinking she ISN'T a racist than I was when I saw only the edited 3-minutes.

ANYWAY, the 3-minute tape is released, and the Obama Administration determines that she should resign her position immediately. Then, FOX News shows the whole tape (that's right, that machine of the Right Wing is the first to have played the whole tape), and everyone sees that there is some mitigation to the affair. Unfortunately, other speeches and statements that the woman and her husband made also came to light after the firing, and they did NOTHING at all to remove the specter of "racist" from her visage. Questions began to arise as to how and why she was given her high-position job at the FDA in the first place, since she sued the FDA for discrimination (and won) in a class-action suit worth hundreds of millions of dollars, which she was awarded the LARGEST SETTLEMENT ($13.9 million).

Obama then calls the woman and apologizes that she was in the middle of such a nasty "partisan" attack, and that he would work to fix the problem as soon as possible. What he DIDN'T say was "I'm sorry for firing you without cause" or "We over-reacted to a situation we knew nothing about", but instead worked tirelessly to make it seem like it was the "right wing" that was working to bring this woman down.

Did anyone know who the hell this woman was BEFORE she got fired? I had never heard of Sherrod, her husband, or her political/racial views prior to the hubbub... so who is to blame here? Do we blame the media for jumping to conclusions? We could, but then we'd have to blame Obama's Administration for the same thing, wouldn't we? Do we blame the "conservative media"? We could, but FOX was the first to "clear" the woman, and no other top-ten pundit touched the story more than to report it (at least on the conservative radio side of things). Others, like Obhermann, Malloy, Maddow, Wolfe and the rest of the Liberal Left crowd had her hung as a racist before the first 24 hours was up. That means FOX and the Right is clear, doesn't it?

Then, there is the whole "Journolist" fiasco... more than 200 major liberal authors, journalist, pundits, and celebrities, ALL plotting to label conservatives as "racist" only to turn attention away from the Rev. Wright story that was breaking all over the Obama Campaign. The Left can actually accuse the Right of doing what it has already been shown to have done itself? Seriously?

The hypocrasy knows no bounds, it seems.

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