Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The dangers of "monopoly"...

So, Mic the Dog (not to be confused with Mick the Lib, my Irish drinking buddy) had to go to the vet today. My only day off in probably 21 days, and I spend 90 minutes of it at the vet's office because Mic has a cracked tooth that has absessed out into his face. Very gross, and undoubtedly very uncomfortable for the dog.

The point of the post is that, here in Wyoming County, PA, there is only ONE veternarian... Dr. Mac (another Irish-American in a "sea" of northeast Irish descent). His office is ALWAYS packed, the wait is almost unbearable (for me... its worse for the dog), and his prices for services are outrageous in the extreme. For the visit alone... $75. Examination, diagnosis, and perscription... another $88. After the Commonwealth tacks on its fees and taxes, the bill for that 90 minutes is more than $175... and the dog now needs a tooth extracted to clear up the problem once and for all.

I have told ALL three kids here that, because they love animals AND spending money... they should all go to Veterinary School (offered through the University of Scranton... a Jesuit school, no less) and open an office directly across the street from Dr. Mac and run the man right out of business by offering fair, competitive pricing and services and give the people of the county a much needed example of "free market" pricing. They'll be rich beyond their dreams in no time, and wildly successfull for decades to come... without gouging the consumer in the process.

I can't blame Obama for this... but it is a good graphic example of how the "free market" is supposed to work, and when that service or good is provided through only ONE outlet (i.e. the GOVERNMENT)... the consumer suffers.

That means I suffer.

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