Friday, July 23, 2010

Eleven down, and...

Four more twelve-hour days to go before I can even think about asking for a day off. I haven't been this tired since we started with Pilot after the storm, back in '06.

Wanted to bouce one thing out there before I start the day again, though...

I am not a fan of the Sherrod stories... I think it is all a bunch of hype drummed up to take the heat off the President and the Liberal agenda, and I'm upset that it is working as well as it is, but I did hear this last night on the drive home:

Seems that right before she got her USDA position in 2009, she won a $13.9 million settlement as part of the Pigford v Glickman case, with an additional $300,000 for "pain and suffering" that none of the other $16,000 plaintiffs were awarded. So, the woman gets nearly $14 million on a Monday and by Wednesday she's sitting in a high-position office with the USDA... the very agency she sued for the money in the first place? If YOU were sued for nearly a billion dollars and the woman winning the largest share came to you looking for a job... would you give it to her?

This story stinks... bad. She gets fired for saying she allowed race "issues" to enter into her administrative duties with the USDA (perfectly legitimate, if you ask me... even if she did regret it), then gets her job offered back to her when she says it wasn't fair... then says she wants the President to call her (which he DOES!) so they can "talk". How does THAT work? Why is this woman being treated this way? She gets whatever she wants... why? So she won't say something? So she won't spill some kind of mess that will come back to haunt the Administration further?

I don't get it...

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